Sunday, July 26, 2009

This blog is dedicated to my Gurudev. I learnt a lot from him,from his life, and through his books, he is with us ,guiding us, loving us.blessing us. I will love to share his thoughts and wonderfull teachings with all of you, who are looking for the true meaning of life... peace and liberation, the ultimate aim of life. It is a spiritual journey---------
"Through spiritual practice you become aware of your self upon a level higher than the normal awareness.The normal consciousness of man is at the level of the mind , but when God has been gracious enough to bring you to a sudden awakening into a hitherto unknown level of yourself, there comes into you an awareness that you are not this physical and psychological entity alone. You find that you are in essence a spiritual being above and beyond time and space,above birth and death and above name and form."--Swami Chidananda ji .


  1. सब से पहले आप के गुरू देव जी को हमारा भी नमन पहली बार आपके बलाग पर आयी हूँ पिछली ्रचनायें भी पढी और अपकी कलम की ओरशंसक हो गयी बहुत बहुत बधाई

  2. गुरुदेव को सादर नमन |
    आप मेरे ब्लॉग पर आई बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ।|


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